Children are learning the A,B,Cs of Gaalis!
Children are learning the A,B,Cs of Gaalis! | Gaali Free India

Be it at school, in the playground, at home, at high school, in the neighbourhood, most children seem to be behaving like adults greeting one other with curse words. In a Gen-Next era where mobile phones have become a part of day to day life and one cannot do without it for a minute. What’s catching up like fire is the trend of curse words floating in the form of lewd jokes, videos, quotes or simply messages. And alarmingly more and more children are exposed to reading such messages as more and more of their friends group share such messages on social networking sites and mobiles. Gaalis have become their way of life.

Children are learning the A,B,Cs of Gaalis! | Gaali Free India

Most innocent kids don’t even know the meaning of lewd words that seem to catch their fancy and become part of their vocabulary just because their friends use it often. While parents are busy with their own hectic lifestyles they think their kids will not interfere with their work if they are busy playing video games on mobile phones or are busy chatting with their buddies. But what they don’t seem to realise is that the kids are in fact learning the A,B,Cs of gaalis and also use it in their conversations as if it’s cool and fashionable.

Children are learning the A,B,Cs of Gaalis! | Gaali Free India

So who is going to monitor their behaviour and their diction? Who is going to proof-check their vocabulary and put a stop to the lewd words or replace them with inspirational words and words of wisdom? It’s time to pay attention to children and the time is now, before it’s too late! Would you be surprised if they start using lewd words and address their own family members? Think about it!

Over to you now! It’s act as responsible citizens and work towards making India Gaali Free.

Learn more about this initiative on Be a Gaali Free Ambassador! Pledge to never use gaalis in front of children, at work, with friend, at home or in your surroundings. Respect your language and pass on the rich language heritage to your posterity that’s devoid of the filth of gaalis! Do it for your children’s sake!