Gaalis pe taalis

Movies are an extension of people’s lives. People relate with the characters in some way or the other and which is why the protagonists play a crucial role in influencing the persona of many people. The style, diction, dialogues, action, songs, story – every facet of movie influences and impacts different people in different ways. What affect them profoundly are the dialogues and the script of the film. Dialogues with not just romantic lines whereby the hero woos his woman, but with lewd words that are laced with gaalis. And spectators get a kick and respond back on gaalis with taalis and seetis. Most people come to watch movies with families. Children are the ones who pick up the gaali-filled dialogue deliveries and start reciting them in front of parents, siblings and friends. Most children don’t even realise the meaning of the lewd gaalis but use it just because their heroes use them with great style and panache in movies. Do they realise of the repercussions it could have on their psyche. Children start using gaalis as part of their normal conversations. Over a period of time it becomes a style statement. Those who refrain from it are nick-named sissies and those who start the trend are treated as role models.
Gaalis are a modern disease and its cure lies with people themselves.
With this key insight, Gaali Free India was conceptualised as a humble attempt to make people realize that gaalis are a blot on the rich cultural and language heritage of India and an extremely negatively influencing factor on the emotional wellbeing of women, youth and children at large.
It’s time to inspire others and as responsible citizens, work towards making India Gaali Free.
Learn more about this initiative on Be a Gaali Free Ambassador! Pledge to never use gaalis in front of children, women, at work, in front of friends, at home or in your surroundings. Respect your language and pass on the rich language heritage to your posterity that’s devoid of the filth of gaalis! Over to you now! Do it for the respect of one’s language!
Let’s work towards incorporating Swachh Bhasha, Swachh Bharat as a way of life- for only when we clean our diction and vocabulary, will do our country good.Let’s work towards incorporating Swachh Bhasha, Swachh Bharat as a way of life- for only when we clean our diction and vocabulary, will do our country good.
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- The Nature of Swearing
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- Gaalis, the modern leeches
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- Gaalis – A blot on sanskriti
- Gaalis – Hindrance to one’s progress
- Gaalis Ruling As Fashion
- Gaalis pe taalis
- Gaalis are an addiction!
- Gaalis in India’s Gullys
- Gaali Galoch Bimaari
- Gaali Free Films For Gaali Free India
- Gaali Free India For Women
- Children are learning the A,B,Cs of Gaalis!
- Gaali Free India For Our Children
- Unveiling Gaali Free India – Swachh Bhasha Initiative
- Water Communications to launch the second leg of Gaali Free India campaign