Gaalis Ruling As Fashion
Gaalis Ruling As Fashion | Gaali Free India

In today’s day and age, fashion plays a pivotal role- new hairdos, new attire, flaunting latest handsets and gadgets, new interiors, new fashion statements, new health menus and what not… but what’s leading ahead is the trend of gaalis being in vogue.

Not just the students at school and college campuses but people at workplaces, social gatherings and in almost every household use gaalis. These gaalis irrespective of the ugliest and of utmost vulgarity are used in day to day conversations. People who use gaalis directly influence the youngsters and kids staying with them who think that it is cool to use curse words when their elders themselves think it to be a cool fashion statement.

With this key insight, Gaali Free India was conceptualised as a humble attempt to make people realize that gaalis are a blot on the rich cultural and language heritage of India and an extremely negatively influencing factor on the emotional wellbeing of women, youth and children at large.

It’s time to inspire others and as responsible citizens, work towards making India Gaali Free.

Learn more about this initiative on Be a Gaali Free Ambassador! Pledge to never use gaalis in front of children, women, at work, in front of friends, at home or in your surroundings. Respect your language and pass on the rich language heritage to your posterity that’s devoid of the filth of gaalis! Over to you now! Do it for the respect of one’s language!

Let’s work towards incorporating Swachh Bhasha, Swachh Bharat as a way of life- for only when we clean our diction and vocabulary, it will benefit our country.

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