Gaali Galoch Bimaari

Cardiovascular diseases, Diabetes and Cancer are one of the most dreaded diseases that have plagued people and crippled their confidence. While these diseases are a drain on one’s physical, emotional and financial health- there’s another disease which by far is the most ignored and most common and rampant, almost in every household, affecting billions of Indians. It is the Gaali galoch bimari. One person per family has the tendency to suffer from the Gaali galoch bimari- displaying symptoms that can vary from severe, to acute to irreparable. So what is Gaali galoch bimari? This bimari is no less than an emotional compulsive disorder – as the person becomes obsessed with using words that are gross, demeaning, and insulting. It is the dependence of people in using curse words and expletives in their day to day life in a way that it becomes their way of life. To most people who use gaalis, they believe that it is an easy way to vent out their frustrations. Coping up with a highly stressful life is not easy for such people and they depend on gaalis just the way one depends on chocolates to satiate their sweet cravings. It is their way of controlling their emotions. Very often, women, be it house wives at home, colleagues at workplace, commuters on the roads or neighbours in the vicinity are made scapegoats as they face a volley of gaalis from men and women who are gravely affected with the Gaali galoch bimari. What’s worrying is that such people who use demeaning words such as MC & BC, are neither regretful nor do they bother to realize that the words they generally use are for one’s mothers, sisters and daughters and this indirectly is even demeaning for their own mothers, sisters and daughters in turn.
Gaali Free India is a humble attempt to make people realize that gaalis are a blot on the rich cultural and language heritage of India and an extremely negatively influencing factor on the emotional wellbeing of women and children at large.
It’s time to inspire others and as responsible citizens, work towards making India Gaali Free.
Learn more about this initiative on Be a Gaali Free Ambassador! Pledge to never use gaalis in front of children, at work, in front of friends, at home or in your surroundings. Respect your language and pass on the rich language heritage to your posterity that’s devoid of the filth of gaalis! Over to you now! Do it for your children’s sake!
Let’s work towards incorporating Swachh Bhasha, Swachh Bharat as a way of life- for only when we clean our diction and vocabulary, will do our country good.
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